StepTrek 2007 Oct.14 – Register Now!

Pittsburgh Steptrek 2007 – Livable, Doable, Trekable…  Come join us for our anual walking tour of the South Side Slopes – Sunday, October 14th.

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For more information, Click HERE or Register Now:

Please take advantage of our online 2 for $15 registration until Midnight 10/12.  Due to a late mailing and an error on the website, the 2 for $15 was prematurely closed.  The error has been fixed and it has resumed effective now, 10/8.  If you plan to mail a reigtration, we will continue to honor the 2 for $15, but we have to receive it ASAP.  It has to arrive pre-Trek which is by the 10/13 mail delivery.  Thanks and we will see you at the Trek!!


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