What Do You Want in 2015?


Thanks to everyone who came out for our 2015 New Year’s Goals meeting. Each committee member gave a brief overview of their committees, and the attendees gave some input on goals for the new year.

We got a lot of great ideas to bring back to committee meetings, and help drive 2015. Do you have some input on what you’d like to see in 2015?

Outreach: “What can outreach do to get more people involved in 2015?”

Steptrek: “How can we increase awareness about the StepTrek event in Pittsburgh and nationally?”

Beautification: “What are you willing to do to make your neighborhood a more beautiful place?”

Zoning and City Services: “What is the number one city service you have concerns about?”

Trash sub-committee: “How can we better address public health and public safety issues that accompany illegal trash storage?”

South Side Park: “What improvement would you like to see to the South Side Park?”

We invite you to reach out to one of our committee chairs if you are interested  in participating in a committee this year. For more information on our committees, check out our Committees page: http://www.southsideslopes.org/who-are-we/committees/

This entry was posted in Meetings, Opportunities, South Side Park, StepTrek. Bookmark the permalink.

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