Thanks to everyone who filled out the survey and especially to everyone attending our meetings and other events. We received 34 responses.
In general, everyone who responded loves living in the Slopes! Top highlights were the neighbors, the convenience and accessibility, and the natural environment combined with our amazing views.
There were 3 main areas of concerns, and honestly, none of them are a surprise. All of them we do attempt to address via the Neighborhood Association.
1. Infrastructure and Maintenance:
- Road repairs and maintenance were mentioned by several respondents, indicating a desire for better road conditions.
- Specific mentions include the need for improved snow/ice removal, repairing broken or uneven stairs, and addressing overgrowth on stairs.
- The SSSNA encourages all neighbors to call 311 for these maintenance issues. If you are not getting a response, the office of city councilor Bob Charland can help you get heard.
2. Community Safety and Quality of Life:
- Safety concerns were prominent, with mentions of speeding cars, violence, drug-related activities, and homeless encampments.
- Traffic management and enforcement of parking rules were highlighted as areas needing improvement.
- Suggestions were made for more community events and activities.
- The SSSNA hopes to see you at our next general meeting, Summer picnic, or a future event! We always invite our elected officials to all our events.
3. Litter and Environmental Issues:
- Several respondents expressed concerns about littering, trash, and the presence of abandoned properties.
- Suggestions included more cleanup efforts, graffiti removal, and initiatives to tackle absentee landlords and vacant properties.
- The SSSNA hosts cleanups throughout the warm seasons to help cleanup our neighborhood.
If you filled out the survey and specified that you were interested in cleanups, StepTrek or the board, we will make sure you are on the right lists, so you are notified how to get involved! If you are interested in getting more involved, please email info@southsideslopes.org.