South Side Slopes Gives Big

Normally, the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association (SSSNA) celebrates the holiday season with a holiday party inviting all of our neighbors and asking neighbors to bring a toy for the annual Brashear Association Toy Drive benefiting area children. This year, due to Covid-19, we can’t hold our party, but we still want to help build our community. What are we doing instead?

  • Today, on #GivingTuesday, the SSSNA is donating $4,000 to the Brashear Association for their annual Toy Drive.
  • We are also donating $1,000 to the Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community “The Table” program which provides free meals to our neighbors every week on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. If you are in need, please stop by!
  • Finally, we are hosting a local business gift card giveawaySign up here by December 31st to enter to win!

If you have extra this year, we encourage our neighbors to also donate to these programs and shop local this holiday season. Together, we can help each other through this difficult time and spread some joy. #GivingTuesday

Check your mailboxes for a special holiday card from the SSSNA announcing these holiday plans!

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October SSSNA General Meeting

Topic: SSSNA General Meeting
Time: Oct 20, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

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SSSNA Development Activities Meeting for South Side Park Improvements

Who: South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association is hosting a Development Activities Meeting (DAM) on Wednesday, October 21st at 7pm to review one development project.

What:  South Side Park Phase 1 Improvements – Presentation by Sara Thompson of Pashek + MTR

Why:  SSSNA is a Registered Community Organization (RCO) through the Department of City Planning to provide input and feedback on local development activities and planning procedures in partnership with community stake holders.

For more meeting details, visit

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October 2020 Meeting Agenda


SSSNA October General Meeting  (via Zoom Video)

When: October 20, 2020 at 6:30 PM

Where: Zoom Virtual Meeting

  • Welcome

    Ways to Connect w/ SSSNA

    Zoom meeting guidelines / Agenda overview

    1. Zone 3 Police Update – Cmdr. Dixon to report on:
      1. Recent Slopes shootings : American Legion & Arlington Spray Park
      2. Zone safety
      3. Public safety resources
      4. Q/A (5-10 min)
    2. Bruce Kraus
      1. District 3 Updates
      2. Misc. Info.
      3. Q/A (5-10 min)
    3. Recognized Community Organization (RCO) and Development Activities Meetings (DAM) Overview
    4. Committee Updates
      1. South Side Park
      2. StepTREK
      3. Beautification : Garbage Olympics Report
      4. Outreach
      5. Zoning
      6. Governance
    5. Open Floor / Questions / Add. Announcements
    6. Adjourn
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StepTrek 2020

In our 20th year of the Pittsburgh StepTrek, the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association intends to support our community and region with an outdoor, family friendly, socially distanced, and safe event that will help people to get out and explore our neighborhood. We understand the implications of our current situation with the pandemic and financial fallout that has accompanied it. Our intent is to produce an enjoyable experience in our neighborhood, while keeping our distance from each other.

The event will run from October 1-7, 2020. Buy tickets and t-shirts here!

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Slopes Community Picnic

The Slopes Summer Picnic is happening on Tuesday, July 14 at Bandi Schaum Community Garden at 6:30 p.m.

Join us for good food and fun……enjoy a warm summer evening in the community garden with friends and neighbors.

Burgers and dogs will be provided by SSSNA. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share and a beverage of your choice. All are welcome. Rain or shine.

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SSSNA 2020 Virtual Picnic

SSSNA Virtual Picnic Meeting – July 14, 2020 (via Zoom Video)

When: July 14, 2020 at 6:30 PM

Where: Zoom Virtual Meeting

  • Welcome
  • Ways to Connect w/ SSSNA
  • Zoom meeting guidelines / Agenda overview
  • Committee Updates – South Side Park, StepTrek, Beautification, Outreach, Zoning, Governance
  • Raffle for Gift Cards to Giant Eagle & StepTrek sponsor Carson Street Deli
  • Photo Montage of Previous Slopes Picnics and Events
  • Open Floor / Questions / Additional Announcements
  • Adjourn

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. All registrants who attend the meeting will be entered for a chance to win gift cards to Giant Eagle and Carson Street Deli.

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South Side Slopes Adopt-A-Step

Instead of traditional group clean-ups this summer, the South Side Slopes Association is starting an Adopt-A-Step program. Is there a problem area near you? Do you have some time to clean it up with your household? If so, sign up to adopt a set of steps near you for one clean-up or the rest of the season.

Sign up here:

If you need supplies, we will contact you to arrange a supply pick-up or drop-off.

Please help the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association in keeping the neighborhood clean of trash and debris for this Summer-Fall 2020. Any little bit helps. Let’s work apart but together to keep our neighborhood looking great!

Don’t have time to help pick up litter? Just $10 pays for trash bags or gloves for clean-ups. Please consider a tax-deductible donation today:

Be like Melanie!

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SSSNA General Meeting Minutes: May 12, 2020

Meeting date: May 12, 2020
Location: Online via Zoom

SSSNA President Blake McLaren opened the first-ever virtual meeting welcoming about 30 attendees on the Zoom platform.

Update from Commander Karen Dixon, Zone 3 Police

Zone 3 Police Commander Karen Dixon was the first presenter and said Slopes’ crime statistics were “unusual” due to the stay-at-home order. She reported in the first quarter  of 2020 there were 28 property crimes and two violent crimes which is a decrease of 17.3% from 2019. In April, there was a decrease in calls, which allowed officers to more frequently check those areas where there are spikes.

Two shootings are under investigation: on Saint Paul St., and at Eleanor and Eccles streets. To a question if the shootings are drug related, the commander said she is unsure at this time.

An attendee asked if there were any officers infected with coronavirus, she said a few are isolated due to potential exposure.

Commander Dixon responded to a question about early morning gunshot firings in the park and said there were two shooters. Officers caught one, who was charged with reckless endangerment as a person who was camping had a shot fly over their head. ShotSpotter detection technology helped them identify the location of the shots.

Commander Dixon’s responded to participants alerting her to numerous camp sites under the P.J. McArdle Roadway on the way up to the Liberty Bridge. She will talk to the mayor’s office about it.

Update from City Councilman Bruce Kraus

City Councilman Bruce Kraus reported that the city is facing a $122 million shortfall in its operating budget due to the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent closures.

Kraus also brought up concerns about Airbnb incidents, including three shootings in the Slopes related to Airbnb venues. City Council and Pittsburgh Police are working on a solution together.

PennDOT construction safety improvement project on East Carson St has begun and will last 18 months. Kraus also reported that the Clean Team is in place on Carson St. to keep the E. Carson St. corridor maintained. He said $110,000 to $120,000 is spent each year and is funded by the Parking Enhancement District (PED), which receives money from South Side parking meters from 6 p.m. to midnight on Friday and Saturdays.

He also reported that residents can find their polling location by going to:

He gave an update on the 18th St. signals project for pedestrian safety—the RFPs will be completed in early 2021, with an April 2021 project start. The project involves 18th St. and the following cross streets: Brownsville Rd., Bausman St., Amanda St., Hays Ave., Arlington Ave., Pius St., Mission St., Josephine St., Jane St. and Sarah St. The traffic signals will also be upgraded.

A participant complained about speeding on Barry St. during afternoon rush hours. He said three speed humps have been suggested by a city traffic employee. Kraus said that more traffic driving through the area is due to web-based maps like Google Maps and Wayz.

An attendee asked about a condemned house at 18th and Pius streets. Kraus said a demolition used to cost the city $13,000 to $15,000. Today it costs the city more than $45,000 per unit, mostly due to federal regulations, such as for asbestos. This year, $2 million was budgeted by the city for demolitions, which covers roughly 10 properties. But the city has hundreds in need of demolition. He suggested the SSSNA prioritize the Slopes properties in need of demolition and send him a list of the top five. He will then take that list to the administration. McLaren told participants to email him the addresses of properties in need of demolition.

SouthWatch update from Barbara Rudiak, president of the South Side Community Council

Rudiak provided an update on South Watch, a group working to improve the quality of life on the South Side by bringing people and institutions together to identify code violations, advocate for their remediation and monitor outcomes. Meetings are held the second Wednesdays at noon or 6 p.m. at the Brashear Association, 2005 Sarah St.

Fundraising update from Kristi Rogers and Andrea Matthews of the Brashear Association

Rogers thanked the SSSNA for their $5,000 matching grant campaign that for the Brashear food pantry. In addition to the $5,000 from the SSSNA, Brashear raised $3,035 through Brashear’s Facebook page, $3,625 through its website and $820 in mailed-in donations. The South Side Community Council added another $1,000. There were also personal donations. Due to the pandemic, the food pantry was changed to a “Grab-n-Go” pantry. The average for the pantry had been 125 families. In April, 230 families were served – a 54 percent increase.

Matthews added that there is still a great need for canned goods, paper products, cleaning supplies and more.

Other updates: South Side Park and StepTrek

Jamie Balser said the park was awarded a $1500 block grant. He also said he was unsure if urban youth would be taught at the park this summer. There has not been a decision on whether GoatFest will take place this summer, but the goats are scheduled to arrive in July.

StepTrek, the annual walking tour of the Slopes and primary fundraiser for the SSSNA, celebrates its 20th year. StepTrek Committee chair Brian Oswald said that due to coronavirus, it will be run differently this year. While details will emerge closer to the event, there will be social distancing and other precautions taken to protect participants. Additionally, the sponsorship revenue is predicted to be lower this year.

Next general meeting: July 14 (virtual picnic on Zoom)

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Slopes May General Public Meeting

UPDATE: This will be an online Zoom meeting. Please see the following for details on how to join the meeting:

Topic: SSSNA General Meeting – May 12th
Time: May 12, 2020 6:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 867 7900 7015
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