Slopes May Meeting Agenda

SSSNA General Meeting Agenda – May 12, 2020 (via Zoom Video)

When: May 12, 2020 at 6:30 PM

Where: Zoom Virtual Meeting ( )

  • Welcome
  • Ways to Connect w/ SSSNA
  • Zoom meeting guidelines / Agenda overview
  • Zone 3 Police Update with Commander Dixon
  • City Councilor Bruce Kraus Presentation
  • Barbara Rudiak South Watch Update (tentative)
  • Brashear Association Food Pantry Drive Update
  • Vote by Mail Ballot Request Info
  • Committee Updates – South Side Park, StepTrek, Beautification, Outreach, Zoning, Governance
  • Open Floor / Questions / Additional Announcements
  • Adjourn


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Slopes Announces $5,000 Matching The Brashear Association Grant

For over a hundred years, The Brashear Association has served people in poverty – from those facing temporary challenges to families living in chronic, multi-generational poverty and works to move them toward self-sufficiency. In this time of need, they are changing their Food Pantry to a “Grab and Go” service and expanding the days of the week they offer service. They are facing extra need and need more help to help support our community.

The South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association is excited to announce a $5,000 matching grant for The Brashear Association Food Pantry. In an effort to help our neighbors in this very difficult time, the next $5,000 donated to The Brashear Association will be matched by the Association. To donate, click here: You can also send a check to The Brashear Association: Food Pantry, 2005 Sarah Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203 or donate directly on the Brashear Association website:

Do you have extra supplies? Food Pantry Donations are accepted from 4 to 5 PM Monday to Friday. Please call the main office at 412-431-2236 to schedule a drop off at Brashear 2005 Sarah Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203. Please do not leave donations unattended. Pantry donations must be scheduled in advance. Suggested donations: Water, canned tuna, chicken, beans, fruit cups, pudding, mac’n’cheese cups, cereal, paper towels, and cleaning supplies.

Do you need help?

The Brashear Association staff are working from home and are available from 9am to 5pm to answer your call, provide support by registering your family for the new Grab and Go Food Pantry, assist with utility assistance, and to help you navigate other available resources. If you are a South Pittsburgh resident (15210, 15211 and 15203, 15227) and need help, they have three numbers that you may call. 412-431-2236 and 412-620-8282 and 412-620-8234. Please reach out if you need assistance getting through this difficult time.

Additionally, NextPittsburgh has compiled a list of city-wide resources here:

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2020 Slopes Board Updates

The South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association wants to congratulate and is pleased to announce four newly elected and re-elected members of our Board of Directors. At the March general meeting, Lucía Sánchez Madrigal was elected to be a new member of the Executive board. Jamie Balser, Denise Fillip, Cara Jette, Brian Oswald, and Gavin Robb were re-elected to additional terms. We want to thank Dawn Lorincy over 6 years of service on the board, most recently serving as the Treasurer.

The updated board has made the following changes to the executive members. Blake McLaren will be the new President of the Association. Former President, Kristin Raup, will be taking on the role of Secretary. Donna Tarkett was re-elected as Vice President. Cara Jette will transition from Secretary to Treasurer.

While we are all staying home and meeting virtually, stay tuned for new online developments from the board very soon!

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SSSNA General Meeting Agenda / Minutes: March 10, 2020

Meeting date: March 10, 2020
Location: St. Paul of the Cross Monastery

The SSSNA’s March meeting started with board elections. One new board member was elected, Lucia Sanchez Madrigal, who has lived in the Slopes since 2014. Dawn Lorincy stepped down after most recently serving as the organization’s treasurer and chair of the Beautification Committee.

U.S. Census workers needed

The representative announced the need for Census workers for the 2020 Census. The wage for Census takers is $23.50 per hour, with mileage reimbursement of 57 cents a mile. Census takers go no further than front doors and ask simple questions like how many residents and their ages. There are no income or Social Security number questions. Apply online at: Applicants must be over 18, a citizen, and have an email address.

Update from a community partner:  Ron Brown, The Brashear Association

Ron Brown, the new Director of Programs and Services for the Brashear Association, spoke about the organization’s programming. He talked about Brashear’s additional sites besides the Brashear Center at 2005 Sarah St. Other sites include: The Henry Kaufmann Neighborhood House, 2201 Salisbury St .; The Neighborhood Employment Center, 730 E. Warrington Ave .; The Allentown Learning and Engagement Center, 827 E. Warrington Ave .; and the Brashear Association at The Pet Shop, 212 Brownsville Rd.

The organization operates a food pantry providing food and other items to low-income individuals/families on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3-4:30 p.m., at the Brashear Center and the Henry Kaufmann Neighborhood House.

The Brashear Association also operates utility, housing, holiday, and economic stability assistance programs. It provides job training and college readiness help.

For more on the Brashear Association, visit:

Updates from Councilman Bruce Kraus and Zone 3 Police Commander Karen Dixon

Kraus reported about complaints his office receives about Airbnb’s in the Slopes used as party locations. Many of these parties charge admission and sell alcohol. Often, there is damage done to the property and those surrounding it, in addition to the loud disturbances that often go on into the early morning hours.

Commander Dixon said in late February officers were called to a location where shots were fired by two shooters. The incident was connected to an Airbnb house rented by a woman for her birthday. Officers found a stolen firearm in the home, and another gun present. It is the third incident in the past year in the area with Airbnb venues.

An attendee asked if there are any Airbnb regulations in Pittsburgh, Kraus answered no.

Commander Dixon said if there are three complaints in specific categories in a year, the property is put on the disruptive property list.

An attendee said in the Hillside zoned district a bed and breakfast (B&B) is not permitted. He feels an Airbnb is a B&B. He also reported an Airbnb was opened on his Slopes street, which is a Hillside district. Kraus said he would examine existing zoning and how it relates to Airbnbs.

An attendee commented there are good Airbnbs for people coming to the city for sporting events, museum visits, and more. Kraus said a balance must be struck between lawful Airbnbs and those which promote disruptiveness. For problem properties, the commander said to call 911 when there is a disturbance.

The commander reported crime statistics in the Slopes this year, saying there has been an uptick in vehicle break-ins, likely due to the mild weather.

Kraus said there may be more house parties during this year’s St. Patrick’s Day celebration due to the coronavirus.

18th St. steps lighting

Brad Palmisiano discussed new lighting options for the 18th St. steps. He said the steps were repaired in 2008 with a $100,000 grant from Duquesne Light. Half of the funding went toward the steps, with the other half for the lighting. The lighting has since failed, and most of the step lighting is out.

The issue today is whether to spend $100,000 for new LED lighting. The SSSNA will contribute $20,000, with the rest needing to come from fundraising or other sources. The new lighting must also be sustainable. Safety overhead lighting repairs are being made, funded by the SSSNA.

Kraus stated the city owns the steps and suggested a public art project and city funds, and possible a partnership with the city to improve and maintain the lighting. Attendees agreed a partnership with the city made a lot of sense.

Next, a Pius St. resident said his grandparents left money for public art in the area. Some of the ideas he shared was painting the 18 St. steps, or having murals to complement the steps. He will take the matter to the Beautification Committee.

Next general meeting: May 12.

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Slopes March Annual Public Meeting

Our general meeting will be on Tuesday, March 10 St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center (148 Monastery St.) at 6:30 p.m.


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South Side Park – Phase 1 Planning Meeting


It’s time to renovate your community park!

A refined Phase 1 Schematic PlaSouth Side Park – Phase 1 Public Presentationn based on your community input. At the Feb. 26 community meeting, your hosts, the City’s Department of Public Works, will:

• Provide an update on the project, and outline what happens next.
• Show how your feedback from the January meeting has helped refine the Phase 1 Schematic drawings.
• Collect input on the proposed playground and children’s discovery area.
• Have an art table for children where they can share the types of playground equipment they like the most.

Representatives from City of Pittsburgh & PWSA will be available to take your questions, comments and concerns.


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Slopes January General Meeting

Our general meeting will be on Tuesday, Jan. 14 at the Monastery at 6:30 p.m. Pittsburgh Police Zone 3 Commander Dixon will be in attendance to give us an update on 2019 and Shot Spotter.

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2020 Public Meeting Schedule

Every year, the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association holds six public meetings open to the community (two of which are parties!).

  • Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center *
  • Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center *
  • Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center Zoom Virtual Meeting
  • Tuesday, July 14, 2020 Picnic at Bandi Schaum Community Garden Zoom Virtual Meeting
  • UPDATED: Tuesday October 20, 2020 – Virtual Zoom Meeting
  • CANCELLED: Tuesday, December 8, 2020 Holiday Party

All meetings start @ 6:30 p.m.

* St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center is located at 148 Monastery St. (parking available)

All South Side Slopes residents are invited to attend. Join us to meet new people or reconnect with long-time neighbors, learn what is happening and planned for the community, and share your ideas, concerns and love for the Slopes.

In order to be a voting member of the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association, you must attend at least 2 meetings and/or events per year.

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Holiday Party

Slopes residents and friends are invited to celebrate with neighbors at our holiday party on Thursday, Dec. 12 at 6:30 p.m. at Zenith (corner of 26th & Sarah Streets).

Meat and vegetarian food will be provided. BYOB. Street parking is available (Email us with accessibility questions at

Let us know you’re coming, RSVP online!

Comments Off on Holiday Party

You’re invited to our holiday party Dec. 12!

Let us know you’re coming!  RSVP ONLINE

Food will be provided. Please bring your own adult or regular beverage. See you there!!

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