Save the Dates 2018

Here are the (actual) dates for the 2018 South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association General Meetings and Parties!

  • Tuesday, January 9 at 7 p.m. – General Meeting at Henry Kaufmann House*
  • Tuesday, March 13 at 7 p.m. – General Meeting at Henry Kaufmann House* CANCELLED (Please stop by the South Side Park Master Plan Meeting on March 15 between 5 and 8 p.m. at Arlington Rec Center at 2201 Salisbury St, 15210)
  • Tuesday, May 8 at 7 p.m. – General Meeting at Henry Kaufmann House*
  • Tuesday, July 10 at 7 p.m. – Summer Picnic at Bandi Schaum Community Garden
  • Saturday October 6 at 11 a.m.- StepTrek
  • Tuesday, October 9 at 6:30 p.m. – General Meeting at St. Paul of the Cross Retreat House (148 Monastery Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15203)
  • Tuesday, December 11 at 7 p.m. – Holiday Party (UUBU6 at 6:30 p.m. )

* Henry Kaufmann House is located at 2201 Salisbury St, Pittsburgh PA  15210

All South Side Slopes residents are invited to attend. Join us to meet new people or reconnect with long-time neighbors, learn what’s happening and what is planned for the community, and share your ideas, concerns and love for the Slopes.

In order to be a voting member of the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association, you must attend at least 2 meetings and/or events per year.

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2017 Holiday Party

Join the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association for our annual holiday party on Tuesday December 12. This year, we will be celebrating at UUBU 6 at 178 Pius Street. Food will be provided, and there will be a cash bar.

Have extra this holiday season? The Association will be collecting toys for Brashear’s annual toy drive. Bring a new unwrapped gift or toy for children up to age 12 to the party – or you can drop them off at: The Brashear Center, 2005 Sarah St.

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2017 Dirty Dozen Viewing

Join the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association and Cobden Street Block Watch to cheer on the Dirty Dozen riders bicycling up Eleanor Street on Saturday November 25. We will be cheering at 2410 Cobden Street from 2:00PM to 4:00PM with hot coffee and hot cocoa. Bring a mug!

If you’re not familiar the Dirty Dozen is a bicycle race up Pittsburgh’s 13 toughest hills. Welsh Way is hill #11, and Eleanor Street is hill #12. This year is the 35th annual event. More details here:

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2017 Board Elections

Jamie Balser & Elizabeth Heidenreich

Jamie Balser & Elizabeth Heidenreich

Welcome to Jamie Balser to the Board of the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association. Jamie has been a vocal and active participant in the Friends of South Side Park and many many volunteer days for South Side Park and other Slopes events.

Dawn Lorincy, Denise Filip, Dawn Lorincy, Brian Oswald, and Cara Jette were re-elected for additional 2-year terms as well.

Thank you to Elizabeth Heidenreich for her year of service on the Board!

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Slopes Elections & General Meeting

StepTrek wrap-up and the Board Elections for the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association will be at the next general meeting.

The meeting will be on Tuesday October 10 at 7pm at the Henry Kaufmann Neighborhood House, 2201 Salisbury St, Pittsburgh, PA 15210

Voting Members of SSSNA are eligible to vote at the October Meeting. Voting Members must be eighteen years old or older and have attended at least two General Meetings this past year. (See By Laws, Article IV, Section 1.)

The Slopes Association will have open positions for new Board of Directors members in the coming election. Board members are seeking to “pass the torch” on to new residents of the Slopes who are engaged in their neighborhood and who will help their community to stay clean, green safe and neighborly.

Interested in joining the Board? Please contact SSSNA Board President Kristin Raup at

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Small Business Resource Fair

Interested in starting or growing a small business? Stop by the South Side Market House on Wednesday September 6 from 4:30pm to 7pm!

small business resource fair flyer

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StepTrek 2017


In its 17th year, the Pittsburgh StepTrek will begin Saturday, Oct. 7, 2017 at 11AM at South Side Park (Josephine & 21st Streets) on the South Side. The event has lasted this long due to the backing of individuals with a curiosity as to what lies at the top or bottom of the numerous public stairs in the neighborhood.


The routes will take a tour of the hillsides and spectacular views that distinguish Pittsburgh. The family-friendly event combines photography, historic narrative and a sense of a neighborhood dependent upon steps. The Trek itself is self-guided. Each pre-registered trekker receives a map and a course narrative. The course narrative points out the landmarks and gives a history of the stairs and buildings, counts the steps and also provides instruction as to the route. Arrows along the course provide direction as well.

StepTrek is what the trekker makes it. Participants may choose to use this noncompetitive event as a test of fitness or a leisurely stroll. The benefits of a stirring walk through the Slopes have earned this event the heart-healthy rating of the American Heart Association. Special pricing makes the walk an attractive way to experience the city on an autumn afternoon.

Proceeds from the StepTrek benefit the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association (SSSNA), an all volunteer organization committed to improving this unique neighborhood and providing a unified voice for slopes residents. Primary areas of focus are public safety, neighborhood development and beautification.

This event also helps to benefit The Brashear Association’s Food Pantry. Please remember to bring a canned food item to help stock the Brashear Association Food Pantry. Top items needed include: Peanut Butter & Jelly, Spaghetti Sauce, Tuna, Cereal, Baby Food

Interested in volunteering for StepTrek? Volunteers get a free t-shirt and can participate in the event before or after their shift. Sign up here:


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Pittsburgh City Steps Plan Kick-Off Meeting

Kick-off Meeting

July 27, 2017 from 6-8pm

William Pitt Ballroom

959 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Pittsburgh’s public stair network is comprised of more than 700 staircases which vary in size, age, construction material and condition. Join us at our citywide kick-off meeting to learn about the project and provide your input on how these treasured assets should be repaired and maintained!

Steps Survey

You can also provide input on our project webpage by following the link to the Wikimap Survey and answering a few questions about any set of steps in the city:




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2017 Slopes Picnic

Join your neighbors for an evening of fun!

When: Tuesday, July 11, 2017 @ 6:30 p.m.
Where: Bandi Schaum Community Garden (across from Mission St Pumping Station)
Who: All Friends and Neighbors of the South Side Slopes
Why: Because your neighbors are great!

You’re welcome to bring a covered dish, snacks, drinks, or dessert. Burgers and dogs (and veggie burgers) will be provided.

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18th Street Wednesday Cleanup

Join us for a mid-week cleanup of 18th Street Wednesday June 7. We will have gloves, bags, and trash. Meet at 6pm on 18th Street at Mission Street.
After sweeping 18th Street for trash, we will relax with happy hour.

More details:

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