The May General Meeting of the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association will be Tuesday May 9 at 7pm.
NEW LOCATION: Join us at the Henry Kaufman Neighborhood House at 2201 Salisbury Street in the Slopes.
Pittsburgh Bike/Ped Coordinator – Kristin Saunders
Committee Updates

Join your Slopes neighbors and students from CMU for a Spring Slopes Cleanup focused on neighborhood streets.
Meet at 10:30am at 21st and Josephine St where we will split into groups to tackle problem areas.
Want to learn more about the Pittsburgh Land Bank and review the policies and procedures that will guide how it works? Mark your calendar and RSVP for the upcoming meeting Monday, March 20 from 6:30 to 8 PM at:
St. Paul AME Church
400 Orchard Place
Pittsburgh, PA 15210.
The input from this meeting will be collected for the PLB Board to review as they finalize the policies and procedures posted at
If you cannot make this meeting, check out the list below for additional times and locations. You can also leave your input online at Childcare is available for two meetings (3/25 and 4/4) and light refreshments will be served at all of them.
You do not need to live in the area of the meeting; residents from anywhere in the city may attend whichever meeting is most convenient for them. RSVP and review the draft policies and procedures at
The March General Meeting of the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association will be Tuesday March 14 at 7pm.
NEW LOCATION: Join us at the Henry Kaufman Neighborhood House at 2201 Salisbury Street in the Slopes.
Come and learn about the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy’s plans to transform South 21st Street with trees, grasses, bioswales and pedestrian improvements. They will present concept designs and seek feedback from you, your friends and neighbors to help inform the final design. Light refreshments will be provided. Registration is not required. For more information, please email
When: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.
Where: The Brew House – 711 21st Street, Pittsburgh, 15203
Who: Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, City of Pittsburgh Department of City Planning and Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority
Final South 21st Meeting Flyer
Make one of your New Year’s Resolutions to get more involved in your neighborhood. Join us for our first General Meeting of 2017.
Where: The Brashear Association, 2005 Sarah Street, Pittsburgh, PA
When: Tuesday, January 10 at 7PM
Open Streets in South Side
South Side Park Master Plan / Signage
Committee Updates
The annual South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association Holiday Party will be on Tuesday, December 13 at 7PM at St Paul’s Monastery Retreat Center.
Dinner will be provided, but feel free to bring a dessert, side dish, or appetizer.
Have extra this holiday season? The Association will be collecting toys for Brashear’s annual toy drive. Bring a new unwrapped gift or toy for children up to age 12 to the party – or you can drop them off at: The Brashear Center, 2005 Sarah St.
Hope to see you there!
Congratulations and welcome to the newest members of the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association Board of Directors:
- Elizabeth Heidenreich
- Blake McLaren
- Donna Tarkett
Thank you to our departing members: Sarah Alessio Shea, Laura Officer, and Pavel Yakovlev.

Through a crowdfunding campaign conducted primarily through social media, we raised more than $6,500, allowing us to hire an artist to design and lead the project. Dozens of community members tiled the 77 step risers in 2016.
Click here to see more details about the project:
StepTrek wrap-up and the Board Elections for the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association will be at the next general meeting.
The meeting will be on Tuesday October 11 at 7pm at the Brashear Association, 2005 Sarah Street, 15203.
Voting Members of SSSNA are eligible to vote at the October Meeting. Voting Members must be eighteen years old or older and have attended at least two General Meetings this past year. (See By Laws, Article IV, Section 1.)