Please join us for a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Pittsburgh’s newest greenway, the Knoxville Incline Greenway. This dedication has been two years in the making since we first broke ground in 2014.
At the event, we will be unveiling an informational sign about the historic Knoxville Incline and will feature activities with City of Play, coffee and pastries.
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Ribbon Cutting at 10:30 a.m.

This is your opportunity to be part of a public art project in the South Side Slopes!
WHEN: Thursday August 18, 2016 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
WHERE: The Brashear Association, 2005 Sarah Street
Artist Laura Jean McLaughlin will be teaching us how to break tiles and glue them into a mesh template design that will be used for each step riser.
Attendees will be provided with all tools and instructions necessary to take home the materials required to build a mosaic stair riser for planned installation by the artist in Fall of 2016!
No previous skills are necessary because the artist will be teaching us all how to do the work. There are 77 risers to create this summer, so the more people the merrier!
More details on the project here:
Can’t make this date? We are having another workshop on Thursday, August 11 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Commonwealth Press space on the South Side [1931 E Carson St] and future weeks.
This is your opportunity to be part of a public art project in the South Side Slopes!
WHEN: Thursday August 11, 2016 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
WHERE: Commonwealth Press, 1931 E Carson Street
Thanks to CommonWealth Press for hosting this event !
Artist Laura Jean McLaughlin will be teaching us how to break tiles and glue them into a mesh template design that will be used for each step riser.
Attendees will be provided with all tools and instructions necessary to take home the materials required to build a mosaic stair riser for planned installation by the artist in Fall of 2016!
No previous skills are necessary because the artist will be teaching us all how to do the work. There are 77 risers to create this summer, so the more people the merrier!
Can’t make this date? We are having another workshop on Thursday, August 4 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Brashear Association on the South Side [2005 Sarah St]
This is your opportunity to be part of a public art project in the South Side Slopes!
Artist Laura Jean McLaughlin will be teaching us how to break tiles and glue them into a mesh template design that will be used for each step riser.
Attendees will be provided with all tools and instructions necessary to take home the materials required to build a mosaic stair riser for planned installation by the artist in Fall of 2016!
No previous skills are necessary because the artist will be teaching us all how to do the work. There are 77 risers to create this summer, so the more people the merrier!
Can’t make this date? We are having another workshop on Thursday, July 28 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.
This is your opportunity to be part of a public art project in the South Side Slopes!
Artist Laura Jean McLaughlin will be teaching us how to break tiles and glue them into a mesh template design that will be used for each step riser.
Attendees will be provided with all tools and instructions necessary to take home the materials required to build a mosaic stair riser for planned installation by the artist in Fall of 2016!
No previous skills are necessary because the artist will be teaching us all how to do the work. There are 77 risers to create this summer, so the more people the merrier!
Can’t make this date? We are having another workshop on Thursday, August 4 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.

Join your neighbors for an evening of fun!
When: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 @ 6:30 p.m.
Where: Bandi Schaum Community Garden (across from Mission St Pumping Station)
Who: All Friends and Neighbors of the South Side Slopes
Why: Because your neighbors are great!
You’re welcome to bring a covered dish, snacks, drinks, or dessert. Burgers and dogs (and veggie burgers) will be provided.
Join GTECH and the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association in a planting day at the Knoxville Incline site. We will be planting perennial flowers and bushes as well as re-mulching the pathways.
Plants, tools, and snacks will be provided.
Where: Knoxville Incline Greenway, Brosville Street
When: 10AM to 1PM

The South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association (SSSNA) is excited to announce the installation of signs marking the “Church Route” through the South Side Slopes. The Church Route is a walking tour that goes up and down our unique stairways providing beautiful views of the city, and featuring glimpses of the eccentric hillside architecture and historic churches. For 10 years this route was a part of the SSSNA’s annual StepTrek but the association decided to formalize the route into a permanently signed walk instead. Funding for the signage was provided by the SSSNA in partnership with the City of Pittsburgh, who manufactured and installed the wayfinding signs.
Adam Jette, a volunteer for the annual StepTrek event stated, “It will be nice to have a self-guided tour that residents of Pittsburgh and visitors to our city can use to explore the crazy hillsides of this city. StepTrek is only one day a year but these signs will be available every day.”
The signs are posted at intersections leading from the start of the route at 15th and E. Carson Streets. The Church Route travels up 15th Street eventually ascending many different stairways and adjacent to the historical church of the Slopes. St. Adalabert’s, St. Michael’s, St. Paul’s, and St. Josephat’s churches are highlights of the trip, along with several stunning views of the city and the streets made of stairways.
In keeping with the tradition of StepTrek, an annual tour of two different courses up and down the South Side Slopes, a narrative of the route is provided on the website here: A brochure with a map and helpful navigation information will be printed this summer, and will be available at the South Side Chamber of Commerce office on 11th and Carson Streets. In addition to a map, the brochure will provide historical anecdotes about the churches and community as well ongoing improvements and changes to the neighborhood.
Press Release: Church Route Signage Press Release
Start your Memorial Day Weekend right, by joining your neighbors in greening the South Side Slopes! At 9am on this Saturday, May 28th, we will meet at the Josephine and Greeley Streets WPC/Western Pennsylvania Conservancy Garden to plant beautiful annuals. Snacks, water and gloves will be provided. Please take an hour to help a worthy cause that will bring smiles to all that pass by. The flowers will be spectacular over the summer. The more neighbors that help out, the faster the planting will happen.

The South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association (SSSNA) is pleased to announce the completion of a unique entrance marker reflecting the uniqueness of the neighborhoods it announces. The signage has been erected on PJ McArdle Roadway on the corner of Windom Street. A grant from the now-defunct South Side Local Development Company (SSLDC) made the project possible.
Peter Kreuthmeier of Loysen + Kreuthmeier Architects, the lead on this project stated, “similar to other ‘welcome to the neighborhood’ markers, the Windom/McArdle Gateway makes use of cor-ten steel as its primary material – paying tribute to the neighborhood’s rich steel history.”
The site is an entry point to both the South Side Flats and South Side Slopes, depending on the direction of travel. The words welcome drivers into each neighborhood – either the Flats or the Slopes. Mr. Kreuthmeier added, “Although the piece has no moving parts, when approaching the Flats, it reads ‘South Side,’ and from the other direction, it reads ‘South Side Slopes.’ For such a simple effect, there was quite a bit of study to get the angles just right.”
Loysen + Kreuthmeier interns, Jonathan Tomko and Mary Waelder played a huge role in seeing the idea become a reality. Credit also goes to the following: the City of Pittsburgh’s Department of Public Works for removing a power pole and repositioning traffic signage; to the U.S. Postal Service for their promise to relocate the relay mailbox; and to Standard & Custom for their expert fabrication and installation services.
Press Release: Press Release_South Side Entry Signage 5-2016