General Meeting & Elections

LOCATION CHANGE: Due to a scheduling conflict, The Brashear Association on the South Side will be hosting our general meeting this month.

Join us for our next General Meeting.
The agenda will include a StepTrek wrap-up, committee updates, and board elections.

Where: The Brashear Association, 2005 Sarah Street
When: Tuesday, October 13 at 7PM

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StepTrek 2015


More Details:


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South Side Block Party


When: September 19th from 3PM to Dusk

Where: 13th Street between E. Carson Street and Sarah Street

Bring your own drinks, a chair, and a dish to share.

Fun and games for the kids too!

LIVE music by The Bessemers & The Pressure!

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Proposed Hotel – E. Carson St & Sarah St

There is a new hotel being proposed at the intersection of E. Carson Street and Sarah Street. They are requesting 4 site variances:

  • 60’ max. height : requesting 85’-4”, with majority of structure at 73’-4” and 69’-4”
    ( the 85’-4” height is isolated to tower element along East Carson Street )
  • 10’ sideyard setback : requesting 3’ ( NW side)
  • 10’ sideyard setback : requesting 0’ ( SE side )
  • 20’ rear setback : requesting 0’ ( not adjacent to a way )

More details and renderings are here: EAST CARSON ST HOTEL_presentation_[08.06.15]

Questions about this process? Contact the developer or

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First Wednesday South Side Park Walk

Want an excuse to get some exercise, meet people, and explore South Side Park? Walk with us! The South Side Park Walking Club has twice monthly guided walks in the park.

WHEN: Join us 1st Wednesdays at 6:30PM and 2nd Sundays at 1PM. (Cancelled when raining.) We can also do guided walks upon request from anyone. Email:

WHERE: We meet in the parking lot on Mission Street between the bridges.

WHO: People of all ages and leashed dogs are welcome.

CAN I DO IT? We follow a trail in the woods. The speed of the walks are adjusted to the level of who shows up, and there is no cost or obligation. We just want to encourage people to use South Side Park.

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South Side Slopes Receives $15K grant for South Side Park


Contact Brian Oswald, SSSNA


Pittsburgh, Pa. (July 17, 2015) – The South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association (SSSNA) is pleased to announce it has received a $15,000 grant from The Birmingham Foundation for continued development in South Side Park, located off Mission Street in the South Side Slopes.

The grant will fund projects with a focus on connecting the South Side Slopes/Hilltop communities to South Side Park and promoting the park as a neighborhood amenity. Projects planned include youth programming as a way to introduce kids in the surrounding communities to the park, trail improvement projects working in conjunction with MWCDC’s Emerald Trail Corps., and new signage for trail heads and other points of interests within the park.

Brian Oswald, president of the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association, commented, “The grant will allow the SSSNA to continue work to make the park a destination for the entire community, and help keep the momentum going.”

The grant will ensure that trail work and youth engagement with the park continues. The SSSNA is committed to improving the park and transforming it into a community amenity for all to appreciate and enjoy.

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About South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association
The mission of the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association (SSSNA) is to maintain, foster and improve the quality of life, safety and unity of the South Side Slopes neighborhood. The SSSNA was founded in 1998 after a fire on Holt Street spread to three houses before the city fire trucks could get to the site. Since then, The SSSNA has advocated for the South Side Slopes community and works to promote neighborhood communication and investment in our community. The SSSNA was designated a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in 2007.

About The Birmingham Foundation
The Birmingham Foundation is a private (independent) community-focused foundation dedicated to health-related and human services grantmaking in South Pittsburgh. The Foundation serves as a change agent for improved health and wellness in South Pittsburgh through the dynamic use of resources such as grantmaking, information-sharing, partnering, and leveraging of assets.

Press Release: 2015 Birmingham Foundation $15K Grant for South Side Park

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South Side Slopes Summer Picnic

Join your neighbors for an evening of fun!

When: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 @ 6:30 p.m.
Where: Quarry Field (off 18th St on Saber Way)
Who: All Friends and Neighbors of the South Side Slopes
Why: Because your neighbors are great!

You’re welcome to bring a covered dish, snacks, drinks, or dessert. Burgers and dogs (and veggie burgers) will be provided.

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Mosaic Steps Fundraiser at Acacia

Join us at Acacia and help us create art on a set of historic steps! We will be able to answer any questions about this exciting project as well as have the final design for display!

Acacia is very generously giving us a portion of their drink sales on Tuesday June 30 from 6 to 9PM!

Can’t make it? Please consider a donation at

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Welcome New Board Member

The South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association is happy to announce the addition of Laura Officer to the Board of Directors. Originally from Mt. Lebanon, Laura moved to the South Side Slopes in 2011. She works at Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, where the mission is to feed people in need and mobilize our community to eliminate hunger. Laura works directly with over 100 food assistance programs, some of which are located in the South Side Slopes, South Side Flats, and Hilltop communities. Laura brings her expertise in Non-Profit Management to the Board as well as experience in program evaluation, grant writing and strategic planning.

Laura is replacing Jamin Bogi who stepped down from the Board last month. We thank Jamin for his dedication to the South Side Slopes, and we know he will continue to contribute to the Slopes neighborhood with his regular clean-ups, pruning, reporting issues to 311, and more!


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2016 Pittsburgh Capital Budget Hearing

The city is holding a capital budget hearing on Tuesday June 22. This is your chance to tell the city how to spend their money in 2016.

This year, the hearing will follow a new format that gives residents the chance to learn more about what goes into the Capital Budget, discuss needs and priorities in a small-group setting, and ask questions of an expert panel. Residents will also have the chance to let the City know of specific Capital work in their neighborhoods that they would like to see done in 2016.

Monday June 22, at the South Side Market House, 1 Bedford Square.

The event will be held from 6:00-8:30 PM, and refreshments will be provided. The city asks that residents pre-­register by filling out the following form (walk-­in registration will be available on the day of the forum).

More details here:

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