South Side Park Walking Club


Want an excuse to get some exercise, meet people, and explore South Side Park? Walk with us! The South Side Park Walking Club has twice monthly guided walks in the park.

WHEN: Join us 1st Wednesdays at 6:30PM and 2nd Sundays at 1PM. (Cancelled when raining.) We can also do guided walks upon request from anyone. Email:

WHERE: We meet in the parking lot on Mission Street between the bridges.

WHO: People of all ages and leashed dogs are welcome.

CAN I DO IT? We follow a trail in the woods. The speed of the walks are adjusted to the level of who shows up, and there is no cost or obligation. We just want to encourage people to use South Side Park.

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Calling Prospective Home Buyers!

Thinking of purchasing a fixer upper in the Slopes?  If you’re looking at a home in the census tract indicated on the map below, you could qualify for a combination construction mortgage loan to purchase and renovate the property.  For more information contact Brian Oswald at, and he can direct you to more information regarding the CARL Program.



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South Side Spring Social


Flats Folks and Slopes Citizens — Shake off all of that pesky snow and celebrate the long-awaited arrival of spring by joining your awesome South Side neighbors for an evening of fabulous food, friends, and fun!

Tasty Mexican-fare vittles and live music entertainment are included.

Music by Tim Ruff, more information:


Donation of $15 per person

This year any proceeds from the social will benefit the South Side Park to help build trails.

Tickets available here:


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South Side Slopes General Meeting

Join us for our second General Meeting of the year. We will be hosting our neighboring organizations at this meeting including the South Side Community Council and Hilltop Alliance to find out what’s going on in our vicinity.

Where: St Paul of the Cross Monastery Retreat Center
When: Tuesday, March 3 at 7PM

SSSNA Committee Updates
South Side Community Council News
Hilltop Alliance News
South Side Chamber of Commerce News

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What Do You Want in 2015?


Thanks to everyone who came out for our 2015 New Year’s Goals meeting. Each committee member gave a brief overview of their committees, and the attendees gave some input on goals for the new year.

We got a lot of great ideas to bring back to committee meetings, and help drive 2015. Do you have some input on what you’d like to see in 2015?

Outreach: “What can outreach do to get more people involved in 2015?”

Steptrek: “How can we increase awareness about the StepTrek event in Pittsburgh and nationally?”

Beautification: “What are you willing to do to make your neighborhood a more beautiful place?”

Zoning and City Services: “What is the number one city service you have concerns about?”

Trash sub-committee: “How can we better address public health and public safety issues that accompany illegal trash storage?”

South Side Park: “What improvement would you like to see to the South Side Park?”

We invite you to reach out to one of our committee chairs if you are interested  in participating in a committee this year. For more information on our committees, check out our Committees page:

Posted in Meetings, Opportunities, South Side Park, StepTrek | 3 Comments

New Year’s General Meeting

Join us for our first general meeting of the year!

Where: St Paul of the Cross Monastery Retreat Center
When: Tuesday, January 13 at 7PM

Meeting Topics:
Goal Planning for the New Year
Treasurer’s Report of 2014
Committees Overview

Help us determine what to do in 2015!

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2015 Meeting Dates

Mark your calendars! These are the planned 2015 Meeting and party dates for the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association:

  • Tuesday January 13 – New Year’s Goals General Meeting
  • Tuesday March 3 – General Meeting
  • Tuesday May 12 – General Meeting
  • Tuesday July 14 – Summer Picnic
  • Saturday October 3 – StepTrek
  • Tuesday October 13  – General Meeting & Elections
  • Tuesday December 8 – Christmas Party

All general meetings are held at the St Paul of the Cross Monastery Retreat Center at 7PM. The address is: 148 Monastery Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15203. Parking is available.

In order to be a voting member, you need to attend at least 2 meetings during the year.

We will have more details for each event as we get closer. We hope to see you at an event this year.

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South Side Slopes Year in Review 2014

What an exciting year for the South Side Slopes! Here are some highlights from 2014:

January: We welcomed in Bruce Kraus as President of City Council and Bill Peduto as Mayor of Pittsburgh.


February: First General Meeting of the year

March: Meet the Candidates Night for our State Representatives


April: Earth Day event in South Side Park collaborated with Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy & Planted the Western Conservancy Gardens for the season


May: Acacia Happy Hour with funds being generated for South Side Park signage

June: South Side Slopes receives a grant for $100K for Steps repair and maintenance

July: Annual Summer Picnic & Trail Improvements to South Side Park continue with our grant 


August: Major progress on Knoxville Incline Overlook Park & Emerald Trail Corps wraps up for the summer


September: Hosted the Pro-Walk Pro-Bike Conference for a walking tour of the South Side Slopes


October: StepTrek (with honorary chair County Executive Rich Fitzgerald)


November: First Annual Dirty Dozen Viewing


December: Annual Christmas Party & Successful Fundraiser for Signage at the Knoxville Incline Overlook Park


Hope to see you on January 13 as we re-group and start 2015 with new projects and goals!

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Slopes Christmas Party

The annual South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association will be on Tuesday, December 9 at 7PM at St Paul’s Monastery Retreat Center.

Dinner will be provided, but feel free to bring a dessert or appetizer.

Hope to see you there!

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Dirty Dozen Viewing

Join the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association to cheer on the Dirty Dozen riders bicycling up Eleanor Street on Saturday November 29. We will be cheering at the Eleanor Street Park from 3:30PM to 5:30PM with hot coffee. Bring a mug!

If you’re not familiar the Dirty Dozen is a bicycle race up Pittsburgh’s 13 toughest hills. Welsh Way is hill #11, and Eleanor Street is hill #12. This year is the 32nd annual event. More details here:
To track the riders on the day of the race, a live stream will be available here:


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