2015 Capital Budget Hearing

The City of Pittsburgh will hold a public hearing to seek public comment from interested citizens, community organizations, and the business community on the 2015 Capital Budget. This hearing is separate from the 2015 Community Development Block Grant Program hearings.

The Capital Budget funds projects to build or renovate City assets such as bridges, roads, parks, and buildings. It also supports long-lasting programs to strengthen neighborhoods and improve quality of life. These public hearings allow Pittsburghers to voice opinions about where they feel City resources are best spent.

The hearing will begin at 6:00 PM and will be held at the following location:

Wednesday, October 29th
Morningside Senior Center
6944 President Way
Pittsburgh, PA 15206

Anyone interested in signing up to give testimony at the hearing should contact Jennifer Sample Presutti at 412-255-2640 or jennifer.sample@pittsburghpa.gov.

Neighbors have requested support for the following projects:

  • Repairing the hillside on Huron Street
  • Repairing Mission Street Bridge
  • General Improvements to our retaining walls, fences, and steps
  • Anything you want to see fixed in the Slopes
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Welcome New Board Members

Welcome to Kristin Raup and Candice Gonzalez – our new South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association Board Members.

For the past few years, Kristin has been a very active member of the Association – present at clean-ups, StepTrek and many committee meetings always offering new insight. She just recently purchased her second home on the South Side Slopes.

Candice is a South Side native who lived in California and Italy before deciding to return to her hometown. You may have seen her at the South Side Chamber of Commerce where she is Executive Director.

We also wish to thank Molly McClelland and Maggie Buck for their years of service on the Board.

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Slopes Board Meeting & General Elections

StepTrek wrap-up and the Board Elections for the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association will be at the next general meeting. If you are interested in running for a board position, please contact Brian Oswald (brian.oswald@southsideslopes.org).

The meeting will be on Tuesday October 7 at the at the St Paul of the Cross Retreat Center, 148 Monastery Avenue at 7PM.

Voting Members of SSSNA are eligible to vote at the October Meeting. Voting Members must be eighteen years old or older and have attended at least two General Meetings this past year. (See By Laws, Article IV, Section 1.)

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StepTrek 2014


In its 14th year, the Pittsburgh StepTrek will begin Saturday, Oct. 4 at 11AM at South Side Park (Josephine & 21st Streets) on the South Side. The event has lasted this long due to the backing of individuals with a curiosity as to what lies at the top or bottom of the numerous public stairs in the neighborhood.

2 self-guided routes will take a tour of the hillsides and spectacular views that distinguish Pittsburgh. The family-friendly event combines photography, historic narrative and a sense of a neighborhood dependent upon steps. Each pre-registered trekker receives a map and course narratives.

For a full description and list of FAQs visit our website: http://www.southsideslopes.org/steptrek/

All proceeds benefit the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association.

Buy Tickets: http://www.showclix.com/event/steptrek

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StepTrek is Saturday, October 4

Take a journey of 2,000 steps as you trek up and down the hillsides of the South Side Slopes this Saturday from 11am-4pm. The 14th Annual Pittsburgh StepTrek begins at South Side Park (21st and Josephine), where the StepTrek Marketplace will feature entertainment, raffles, sponsor displays, artists, historic photos and food trucks- including Saucy Mamas, South Side BBQ and Spun Sugars!  Along the routes, enjoy spectacular views with plenty of photo ops, stop for a water break and listen to music from Corey James and Brad Yoder.

Advanced Tickets available here: http://www.showclix.com/event/steptrek

All the details here: StepTrek

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Page’s Dairy Social Hour

Join us at Page’s Dairy Mart to celebrate the end of summer on Tuesday September 16 at 7PM. Come out and enjoy an ice cream with your neighbors while supporting this local institution.

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Birmingham Bridge Public Meeting September 17th 2014 in Oakland

Pittsburgh, PA-PennDOT District 11, SAI Consulting Engineers and the Joseph B. Fay Company are hosting two public meetings to provide information on the Birmingham Bridge preservation project on Wednesday, Sept. 17th 2014.


The meeting will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn Pittsburgh University Place-3454 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA  15213. 
Two separate sessions are scheduled at the following times:
Session 1
• 11-11:30 a.m. – Open house
• 11:30 a.m.–noon – Project presentation
Session 2
• Noon-12:30 p.m. – Open house
• 12:30-1 p.m. – Project presentation
The $23.5 million preservation project is part of Act 89, the state’s new transportation plan.  Act 89, the legislation made possible by the bipartisan consensus reached by Governor Tom Corbett and the Legislature, will enable PennDOT to invest an additional $128 million in District 11 this year for 15 projects in Allegheny, Beaver and Lawrence counties.
Work on the Birmingham Bridge includes painting of the entire superstructure, steel repairs, lighting and sign replacements, bridge deck rehabilitation and guiderail improvements. Approximately 21,000 vehicles use the Birmingham Bridge on an average day.
The public meeting will identify the project details, traffic impacts, schedule, and other information. PennDOT’s project team, SAI Consulting Engineers and representatives from the Joseph B. Fay Company will be available for questions and answers. Comments on the proposed project will be accepted.
The display location is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  Pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability. In addition, if you or an individual with whom you are familiar does not speak English as their primary language and who has a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand
English desires to participate in this display, or if you require special assistance to attend and/or participate in this display, or if you feel that you have been denied the benefits of, or participation in a PennDOT program or activity, you may contact the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Bureau of Equal Opportunity, DBE/Title VI Division, at 717 787-5891 or 800-468-4201.
For more information on this public meeting contact the Oakland Transportation Management Association at (412) 687-4505.
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Knoxville Incline Overlook – Final Work Day

Join us for the final volunteer day at the old Knoxville Incline Overlook & Trail along Brosville Street.

Projects Include:
* Priming and Painting the old bridge
* Finishing the gravel trail from the bridge to Brosville Street
* Cementing benches in place in the meadow area
* Mulching and small plantings in the area

This event is in collaboration with GTECH Strategies ReClaim South Program. http://gtechstrategies.org/projects/reclaim-south-ambassador-project-knoxville-incline-historic-site/

GTECH will be supplying all the tools. We just need volunteers!

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2014 Board Elections

Board Elections for the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association will be held at the next general meeting. If you are interested in running for a board position, please contact Brian Oswald (brian.oswald@southsideslopes.org).

The meeting will be on Tuesday October 7 at the at the St Paul of the Cross Retreat Center, 148 Monastery Avenue at 7PM.

Voting Members of SSSNA are eligible to vote at the October Meeting. Voting Members must be eighteen years old or older and have attended at least two General Meetings this past year. (See By Laws, Article IV, Section 1.)

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Church Route Cleanup

As part of the Pro Walk Pro Bike Conference in Pittsburgh, the Slopes Association will be leading a walk on the Church Route. Let’s clean it up and make it look great for our visitors!

We will also be weeding the Greeley Street Garden (at Greeley St and Josephine St).

Meet at the 18th Street Bend Garden (at the base of the 18th Street Stairs) at 10AM.
If you have any questions, email brad.palmisiano@southsideslopes.org

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