South Side Volunteer Day

Please join Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh, Student Conservation Association, and South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association for a day of community stewardship.

For more information and to RSVP, visit the Brashear website:



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South Side Park Fundraiser at Acacia

Our second fundraiser for the South Side Park will take place at Acacia on June 3rd, South Side’s premier cocktail bar. Acacia has graciously offered their space and a generous percentage of their profits. All funds raised will go towards the signage of trails in the park and signs for the parks entrances to direct people into this great neighborhood amenity.

At 6pm we will lead a tour into some of the park trails and throw in some steps for good measure – consider it a mini-StepTrek. The tour will take about an hour. We will meet outside of Acacia.

At 7pm the official fundraiser will start and will continue until 9pm. We will have delicious cocktails (and maybe a themed South Side Slopes concoction), the Steer and Wheel food truck, and maybe some live music. Did we mention delicious cocktails?

We look forward to seeing you there!

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General Meeting

The next SSSNA general meeting is Tuesday, May 14th at 7:00 PM at the St Paul of the Cross Retreat Center, 148 Monastery Avenue Please join us to learn about the new trash educational initiative launching within the South Side Slopes. We will also have speakers from the SCA (Student Conversation Association) talking about their work in South Side Park, and Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh will speak about volunteer opportunities for this summer.  Weather and time permitting, we will break out into teams after the meeting to review the current state of the Slopes to help prioritize future cleanups.

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South Side Park Work Day

We will be working with the Student Conservation Association to work on the trail leading from Sabers field to the upper section of the park – lots of bench cutting and brushing. Work starts at 9:30AM. Meet us Saber’s Field in the South Side Park. Join us for all or part of the day!

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Western Pennsylvania Conservancy Garden Planting

Please come out to help green up the South Side Slopes! The planting of the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy sponsored gardens at Josephine and Greeley & Josephine and Barry will happen on Saturday, May 4th. We will meet at the garden at Greeley Street first at 9:00am. All are welcome and we will have light refreshments. Please wear work clothes and bring gloves if you have them. The SSSNA can lend you a pair if you need some. We hope to see you there!” Email with any questions.

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Join the South Side Slopes Team in the National Bike Challenge

From Bike PGH:

“Inflate those tires, oil those chains, and gear up for the 2013 National Bike Challenge, sponsored locally by Bike Pittsburgh and OTB Bicycle Cafe! Officially kicking off on May 1 and ending September 30, this free and friendly competition encourages Pittsburghers to get out and ride, whether as daily commuters, weekend warriors, or somewhere in between. The challenge helps riders realize the health, economic and environmental benefits of riding a bike.

Participant points heavily favor riding daily – 20 points per day, plus 1 point per mile logged. Smartphone users can even download a free app to directly track and log trips for the National Bike Challenge. Challenge yourself, your family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers to get moving, log miles, earn points, and be eligible to win prizes at the national level. Pittsburgh riders even earn free drinks at OTB Bicycle Cafe just for participating!”

The South Side Slopes has created a team for the Ride for PGH in the National Bike Challenge. Join us today at

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Wigle Whiskey Fundraiser

Wigle, a craft distillery in the Strip District, has introduced Bantam Nights at the Distillery to raise funds for community, arts and green projects around the city. The Distillery’s first Bantam Night will feature us, the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association, and we will be raising funds for South Side Park, specifically for the purchase of signage for historical trails in the park.

What does that mean??? Well we have been given free use of the Distillery on a Monday April 22nd from 6-8pm. Cocktails will be served (for a fee that we set) good times will be had and at the end of the night the Distillery will donate 12% of all sales—from cocktails, bottles, and merchandise—to us for our South Side Park Project.
The 12% is in recognition of the 12 Pittsburghers who were indicted for protesting during the 1790s Whiskey Rebellion.
So come on down to Wigle Whiskey on April 22nd, drink some fancy cocktails and support the SSSNA and South Side Park!!


Sign up on the Facebook page:

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Earth Day in South Side Park

We will be working with the Student Conservation Association to remove invasive weeds, pick up trash, and work on trail building. Work starts at 9AM. Meet us at Quarry Field in the South Side Park, located near the intersection of 18th St and Kimbol St.  Join us for all or part of the day!

For more details and to register for this fun event, click here:

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Fruit Tree Planting

The SSSNA has been approved for 22 fruit trees to be planted just west of the Bandi Schaum Community Garden. We will need volunteers Saturday 4/13 to plant them! Join us from 9am to 12pm at the garden.

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April 2013 Meet the Candidates Meeting

The April 2013 meeting will be held April 9, 2013 at the Monastery at 7PM.

Candidates for the May mayoral primary will be in attendance to answer questions and talk about their vision for Pittsburgh.

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