CMU volunteer day in South Side Park

Join us from 9:30-12:30 on Saturday April 6 to work on a cleanup, trail building, and invasive species removal in South Side Park. Carnegie Mellon Students will be volunteering to help us in conjunction with their 1000plus Day of Service.  All tools and Safety materials will be provided by the Student Conservation Association who will be leading the effort. We will be meeting at the lot on Mission Street across from the Mission Street pumping station.  Wear sturdy shoes or boots. Email with any questions.
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South Side Park Work Day

We will be working with the Student Conservation Association to remove invasive weeds, pick up trash, and work on trail building. Work starts at 9AM. Meet us near the entrance to the Bandi Schaum Community Garden in the South Side Park. Join us for all or part of the day!

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South Side Park Work Days

Spring is finally in the air, and we want you to get your hands dirty in South Side Park. We have lots of upcoming volunteer dates. We will be working with the Student Conservation Association (SCA) on all these dates to remove invasive weeds, pick up trash, and work on trail building. Work starts at 9AM each day. Meet us near the entrance to the Bandi Schaum Community Garden in the South Side Park.

Saturday, March 30th – Workday in South Side Park

Saturday April 6th – CMU volunteer day in South Side Park

Saturday April 13th – Workday in South Side Park and fruit tree planting

Saturday April 20th – Earth Day Event in the park. Register here for this family-friendly event run by the SCA:

Saturday May 11th – Workday in South Side Park


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Meet the Candidates and Vote!

As a reminder, our next general meeting will be a “Meet the Candidates” meeting. All mayoral candidates should be in attendance. We will have a sign-in sheet for you to write down your questions for the candidates.

Be an informed South Side Slopes voter and come to this meeting April 9, 2013 at the Monastery at 7PM.

Primary elections are Tuesday May 21, 2013. If you’re not registered to vote in the primary, you can register until Monday April 22, 2013. You must be associated with either the Republican or Democratic party in order to vote in their party.

If you’re not sure of your registration status, click here to find out.

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Open Spaces Meeting March 28

Thursday, March 28 from 7 to 9 PM at the South Side Market House, City planners will present their “OPENSPACEPGH” plans for the South Side Slopes and Flats. Please join us!

OPENSPACEPGH is Pittsburgh’s first comprehensive guide to the optimal use of its vacant, green, and recreational spaces over the next 25 years. It is a component of PLANPGH, the City’s first ever comprehensive long range plan.

The City’s open spaces comprise 18.7% of its land base and offer many benefits to its residents. Open spaces support recreation, protect natural areas, enhance water and air quality, foster community identity and sustain community gardens. This plan provides clear instructions and guidelines for optimal land use and infrastructure decisions for the City as well as its residents for the next 25 years. It includes guidelines for parks and greenways, as well as vacant and distressed properties.

OPENSPACEPGH assesses the City’s entire parks system and makes recommendations as to where parks should be located and what levels of investment are planned for individual parks & facilities throughout its neighborhoods. The plan also looks at how we can best utilize our hillsides and vacant properties to improve the quality of life for the City and its residents.

To learn more, visit OPENSPACEPGH, or contact

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General Meeting February 2013

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South Side Park Work Day – CANCELLED

This event is cancelled due to the risk of falling trees with the snow and wind.

The Student Conservation Association will be working with neighbors and volunteers this Saturday 1/26/13 from 9 AM – 3:30 PM on cutting of invasive vines, trash removal, and blow down debris removal. We will be meeting at the Bandi Schaum Community Garden. Please join us and dress warm and appropriately. We can also give an overview of the projects we hope to complete in cooperation with the SCA over the coming months. Please RSVP to so that equipment is available to those in attendance.

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2013 Meeting Dates

Happy New Year from the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association.

As you pull out your calendars for the new year, add in our scheduled meetings and events.

  • General Meeting – February 12, 2013 at the Monastery at 7PM
  • General Meeting – April 9, 2013 at the Monastery at 7PM
  • NEW! General Meeting – May 14, 2013 at the Monastery as 7PM
  • Summer Picnic – July 9, 2013 at a Location To Be Announced
  • Elections & General Meeting – October 15, 2013 at the Monastery at 7PM
  • Holiday Party – December 10, 2013 at a Location To Be Announced

We hope to see you at a meeting or party this year! Stay tuned to the Blog, Twitter, or Facebook page for more updates throughout the year.

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South Side – Sweep Your Stoop

A friendly neighborhood reminder from our Neighborhood Association President and South Side friends:
South Side- Sweep Your Stoop

Please remember that as a good neighbor, it’s your responsibility to keep the sidewalk in front of your property clean.

If you already do this – Thank you!

If you have a neighbor that consistently does not keep their sidewalk clean, please visit the website below to file a 311 REPORT.

It’s important that we all work together to keep South Side clean. Under City Code 419.09 you are required to keep your business and residential properties clean of trash, leaves, graffiti and litter. The effort is minimal and results can be tremendous to our city and neighborhood.

Please do what’s right so we don’t have to cite!

(Magistrate Court Costs of $50, plus judgement fine of $25 – $350)

Because a CLEAN South Side will help ALL of us and encourage visitors to support and respect our community.


Thank you,

Kim Collins, President, South Side Chamber of Commerce

Catherine Mitchell, President, South Side Community Council

Brian Oswald, President, South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association

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Christmas Celebration

Eat, drink, be merry (christmas).

The annual South Side Slopes Christmas Party will be held on December 11, at 7:00 PM in the main dining room of St Paul’s Retreat Center, 148 Monastery Avenue.  The association will supply the main meal. Bring a appetizer, dessert, or drink to share…  And invite a neighbor who may not know about us!  Hope to see you there.

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