Countdown to StepTrek

Throughout the year, members of the StepTrek committee plan routes, look for steps that need repair, participate in regular cleanups and solicit sponsorship.

One of the more fun parts is choosing our artist for StepTrek. This year’s choice is Kathryn Carr. She has created this beautiful paper cut piece for us inspired by the German paper cut art Scherenschnitte. You can find prints of Kathryn’s work at various stores and “I Made It” markets around Pittsburgh. For more information about her, visit her website. We will have prints of this piece for sale at StepTrek.

Hope to see you on October 6, 2012 where you can see the stairs that inspire Kathryn and all of us residents of the Slopes.

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Sabers Clean Up

Come join fellow neighbors and the organizers of the South Side Sabers Youth Football Program this Saturday morning at 10 AM, July 28, as we help prepare Quarry Field for another successful season in South Side Park.  We will be removing trash, overgrowth and performing simple maintenance tasks to help prepare this area for the upcoming season beginning in August.  We hope to see you at Quarry Field!

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Summer Picnic

Location: Saber Field, South Side Park (Entrance on 18th St)

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Clearing the Steps – One Set at a Time

5 concerned Slopes citizens tackled 3 sets of steps on Saturday.

The results speak for themselves:

Good work!

This particular set was out of control. If you’re walking the stairs, please help out by regularly snapping or clipping invasive vines and weeds.

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2012 Resident Survey

UPDATE: Thanks to everyone who participated in the survey. As of 8/29/2012, the survey is now closed. We will be compiling the results and sharing them at meetings throughout the year. Hope to see you there!


This survey will help drive the future goals of the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association to make the South Side Slopes the best neighborhood for all our residents!

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South Side Park Cleanup

See details:

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South Side Park Cleanup

If you’re available this Saturday June 16, please join us at South Side Park at 10AM for a park cleanup. We will be doing general cleanup as well as some trail planning and investigation. We will have clippers, saws, trash bags, gloves, etc. Just bring yourself and meet us in the parking lot below Bandi Schaum Community Garden.

We will also be joined by some of the Pittsburgh Public Allies. For more information on the Public Allies program, check out their web page:

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South Side Community Garden Planted

Congratulations to all of the new South Side gardeners. Saturday June 2 was the official planting day at the Bandi Schaum Community Garden in South Side Park.

Here are the results of our community labor:

Now, we just have to wait for the harvest!

If you don’t have a plot at the garden, there is still at least 1 way to be involved. The Public Allies Pittsburgh group has partnered with Voices Against Violence (a high school youth group) to create “Veggies Against Violence.” This great group of kids is learning to grow vegetables at the community garden and could use all of our help. If you want to get involved, email Tom at tsamilson at

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Volunteers Needed!

Whether you want to stay inside or dig in the dirt, we have an upcoming Slopes volunteer activity for you:

South Side Home Tour Volunteers needed Saturday May 19th
Please consider volunteering for the 21st South Side Home Tour on Saturday, May 19th. Volunteers are needed to staff the 13 homes on the tour…..3 of which are on the slopes. You can choose either the morning or afternoon shift and tour the other homes before or after for free. If interested, please contact Betty Kripp.

WP Conservancy Garden Volunteers needed Friday May 25th
There are two Western Pennsylvania Conservancy sponsored gardens in the South Side Slopes. They are along Josephine Street with one at Greeley Street and the other at Barry Street. With corporate volunteers from ChemRisk, we would like help from you, our neighbors, on Friday, May 25th at 1pm. We will meet at the Josephine and Greeley Garden. We will be planting annuals and mulching. Wear comfortable clothes that you don’t mind getting a little dirty. If you have a comfortable pair of gloves, bring them, but there will be tools and gloves at the site. We hope to see you there. Thanks, in advance for helping to beautify the Slopes!
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South Side Community Garden Volunteer Day

Help convert an old baseball field into a productive community garden. We need lots of hands to move and spread mulch and to clean up the site. Sign up to volunteer; large groups are welcome! Contact: Jessica McNally

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