May General Meeting

Agenda: TBD

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South Side Community Garden Success

This Saturday May 5, a lot of volunteers put in a lot of work to prepare the South Side Community Garden for planting. Thanks to everyone who came out and helped. Hope to see all of you and more back for our last garden work day on Saturday May 12 from 9am to 2pm.

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South Side Community Garden Volunteer Day

Help convert an old baseball field into a productive community garden. We need lots of hands to move and spread mulch and to clean up the site. Sign up to volunteer; large groups are welcome! Contact: Jessica McNally

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April 30th Garden Orientation Meeting!

There is a garden orientation with Grow Pittsburgh this Monday April 30th at 6pm at the Brashear Association (2005 Sarah Street, South Side).  We will meet and go over some basic information on the garden for the 2012 planting season.  After the presentation portion we invite folks to come visit the garden for a tour of the site.  Please bring your community garden agreement with you if you have not completed it yet.

Southside Community Garden Guidelines

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Bandi Schaum Community Garden

The South Side Community Garden at Bandi Schaum field is a project of the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association, South Side Community Council, City of Pittsburgh, and Grow Pittsburgh.  We saw the need for a collective space for folks in our community to come and garden together.  Located on the site of the old baseball field at Bandi Schaum, Spring 2012 was the garden’s first season.

To keep up to date on the latest Community Garden news, visit the Official Garden website:

Bandi Schaum Community Garden Plots

Bandi Schaum Community Garden Sign

How to Register: 

If you are interested in a plot, you need to register with the city.  To register, click here.

Gardening Information:

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South Side Park Cleanup

Saturday March 31, we are having a South Side Park Cleanup from 1-4PM. We will have 60-100 Carnegie Mellon students helping us pick up trash and cut invasive vines. We will be meeting in the parking lot across from the Mission St Pump House between the bridges before 1 PM and then breaking into teams.  Come join your neighbors in improving the hidden jewel of the slopes in South Side Park this Saturday.

Email if you are interested in leading a crew of students or for more information.

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South Side Park Cleanup

Saturday March 31, we are having a South Side Park Cleanup from 1-4PM. We will have 60-100 Carnegie Mellon students helping us pick up trash and cut invasive vines. We will be meeting in the parking lot across from the Mission St Pump House between the bridges before 1 PM and then breaking into teams.   Come join your neighbors in improving the hidden jewel of the slopes in South Side Park this Saturday.

Email if you are interested in leading a crew of students or for more information.

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March Meeting

The next meeting of the South Side Slopes Neighborhood meeting is March 13, 2012.

County Executive Rich Fitzgerald will be there along with Councilman Bruce Kraus.

Please join us at St Paul’s Monastery at 7PM.

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South Side NID

The South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association Board has unanimously voted to endorse the South Side Neighborhood Improvement District.

SSSNA NID Vote Letter

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South Side Community Council and the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association invite you to a Grow Pittsburgh Education Session: MINI GARDEN PRIMER. Monday, February 27th at the Brashear Association from 6pm to 8pm.

“Don’t know the first thing about vegetable gardening, but want to learn? Never even picked up a spade? Fear not – Our Mini Garden Primer will cover all the basics, including which tools beginner gardeners will need, what and where to plant, and when to harvest. In addition, those taking part in the course will be given step-by-step instruction on everything from starting a compost to properly transplanting seedlings.”

This workshop is open to the public. In addition, anyone interested in getting a garden plot in the new South Side Community Garden at Bandi Shaum Field should sign up at

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