9/9 Day of Caring

As part of a Day of Caring event, 50 employees from Highmark will be in the South Side Slopes on Friday 9/9 to help clean garbage out of the green way along Brosville Street. Slopes Volunteers are needed to help in the effort and show appreciation for those who don’t even live here but help to make the slopes a better place. If you can help, meet at 9:00 AM at the corner of Monastery and Brosville Streets. Contact Paul Lorincy with any questions – paul.lorincy@southsideslopes.org

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StepTrek Cleanup 8/13

The StepTrek Committee is beginning to lead clean ups on the routes for StepTrek 2011 and needs your help. Meet at 10:00 Saturday, 8/13 at Mission and Sterling Streets. Any time you can give would be most appreciated by the committee. Email Brian Oswald brian.oswald@southsideslopes.org with any questions. Reminder – StepTrek 2011 will be held on Saturday, October 8th.

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South Side Sabers Fun Day

The South Side Sabers will be having the 1st Annual South Side Sabers Fun Day, this Saturday, the 30th from 12:00 – 6:00 at Quarry Field. Please let friends, family, neighbors who have children know.

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SSSNA Picnic July 12 in South Side Park

Come join your neighbors and celebrate summer at the SSSNA Picnic on Tuesday, July 12 at 6PM. Enter the park off of 18th Street by Quarry Field. Hot dogs, Hamburgers, and drinks will be provided… please bring a salad or desert to share. Feel free to bring a lawn chair, your ball glove, a Frisbee or any other game to play.

Email info@southsideslopes.org with any questions.

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StepTrek 2011 – It’s not Just Another Walk in the Park


Mark your calendars. Step Trek 2011 will be held on Saturday, October 8, 2011. More details to follow.

The SSNA is currently seeking sponsors at all levels. Email Step Trek Chair Brian Oswald for information on a Step Trek sponsorship!

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Garden Planting

We are seeking volunteers to help plant our two Western Pennsylvania Conservancy Gardens on Saturday, May 21st starting at 9:00am. The more volunteers that we have, the faster the planting goes. We will meet at Josephine and Greeley streets at 9:00am. There will be refreshments. If you have a favorite pair of gloves, please bring them. If not tools and gloves will be provided. Dress in clothes that can get dirty. It will be a great day to beautify the Slopes. Welcome, Spring!   Email sarah.shea@southsideslopes.org to volunteer.

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Slopes Clean Ups

Join us Saturday Morning 4/9  and Saturday Morning 4/16 at 9:00 for upcoming Slopes cleanups.  Meet at 18th and Carson Streets. Volunteers are needed to help lead crews throughout the slopes to pick up trash that has accumulated over the winter.  Gloves and trash bags will be provided.  Email paul.lorincy@southsidslopes.org form more information.

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Living Stations

South Side Slopes Community Group, The Veronica’s Veil Players, will be presenting Living Stations, a live reenactment of the last steps of Jesus on His way to the cross. The Stations will be presented in three area churches on three Friday evenings in April.

The first one will be Friday, April 1 at 7:00 P.M. in St. Wendelin Church, 2728 Custer Avenue in the Carrick, Baldwin area.

The second will be Friday April 8 at 7:00 P.M. in St. Norbert Church, 2413 St. Norbert Street at the crossroads of Rt. 51 and Rt. 88.

The third one will be Friday April 15 at 6:30 P.M. in the St. Paul of the Cross Monastery Church 148 Monastery Avenue on the South Side.

A free will offering will be taken after each presentation. These performances will be in place of the Lenten presentation of the “Passion Play” which we hope will return in 2012.

For more information, email VVPlayers@aol.com

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South Side Park – Trail Building and Cleanup

Come spend a Spring day in South Side Park.  The SSSNA along with the Student Conservation Association is hosting an event in South Side Park this Saturday from 9:00 AM to -1:00 PM (you do not need to stay the whole time).  Meet at Bandi Schaum Field.  Pizza will be provided for lunch – Email Judy Dyda judy@southsidepgh.com to register or for more information.

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“Meet the Candidates”

The next meet of the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association will Tuesday, April 12 at 7PM at the Monastery. The topic is: “Meet the Candidates”.

See you there!

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