All South Side Slopes residents are invited to attend. Join us to meet new people or reconnect with long-time neighbors, learn what’s happening and what is planned for the community, and share your ideas, concerns and love for the Slopes.
In order to be a voting member of the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association, you must attend at least 2 meetings and/or events per year.
Who: South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association is hosting a Development Activities Meeting (DAM) on Thursday, September 23rd at 6:30pm to review one development project.
What: 32/44 Pius St Development
Why: SSSNA is a Registered Community Organization (RCO) through the Department of City Planning to provide input and feedback on local development activities and planning procedures in partnership with community stake holders.
Who: South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association is hosting a Development Activities Meeting (DAM) on Thursday, September 23rd at 6:30pm to review one development project.
What: 32/44 Pius St Development
Why: SSSNA is a Registered Community Organization (RCO) through the Department of City Planning to provide input and feedback on local development activities and planning procedures in partnership with community stake holders.
Join the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association for monthly weeknight neighborhood clean-ups. Every month we will pick a different area of the Slopes to clean up. We will have trash bags, gloves, and bright orange shirts.
When: Wednesday July 28, 2021 from 6pm to 7pm
Where: Meet at Bandi Schaum Community Garden
The Slopes Summer Picnic is happening on Tuesday, July 13 at Bandi Schaum Community Garden at 6:30 p.m. Join us for good food and fun……enjoy a warm summer evening in the community garden with friends and neighbors. This year we will feature a food truck with free food for neighbors and friends of the Slopes!
Join the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association for monthly weeknight neighborhood clean-ups. Every month we will pick a different area of the Slopes to clean up. We will have trash bags, gloves, and bright orange shirts.
When: Wednesday June 30, 2021 from 6pm to 7pm
Where: Meet at Bandi Schaum Community Garden
Do you have a photo of the neighborhood that you love and want to share? Enter your best photos (up to three) of the South Side Slopes for a chance to win a gift card and to be featured in a printed 2022 calendar. The photo calendar will be for sale this fall.