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Cobden St.

Make a left and walk one short block to Northview St.

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Sumner Street

At Oakley Way, cross Sumner to sidewalk on left. Rebuilt in 2012, the concrete walk continues below grade as it rises 27 steps along the left side of Sumner. Notice these homes sit below street level. Sets of wooden steps … Continue reading

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Sumner St. Steps

These 85 steps lead through a canopy of trees. After the last step, keep right and walk along Sumner St. to Oakley Way.

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Holt St. Cont’d

Keep left and descent three steps. Notice the houses sit below grade, a feature of building on a steeply sloped hillside. Continue past the wood steps to where the sidewalk reaches street level. At the last house on the right, … Continue reading

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Holt St.

Take a look at the Birmingham Bridge behind you. It gives a sense of how far you’ve climbed. Make a left on Holt. Stay left and walk on the sidewalk.

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* The Dirty Dozen

Each fall, Pittsburgh hosts a 50-mile bike race that goes up 13 of its steepest hills. Both Holt and Eleanor Streets comprise one of the Dirty Dozen routes. Take a look up Elearnor to get a sense of the vertical … Continue reading

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* SSSNA Founding

Just past 39 Holt St. is an open lot. A fire here destroyed three homes on Memorial Day weekend 1997. Alarmed by the inability of a standard fire truck to negotiate the narrow streets and sharp turns, a group of … Continue reading

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Eleanor St. Steps cont’d

Beside the Mission St. Market, the Eleanor St. steps climb another 181 steps beneath a canopy of trees to Holt St.

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* Mission St. Market

At 2400 Mission is the former Mission St. Market. For decades, this busy market and butcher shop served the neighborhood. At Christmas and Easter the lines to buy its famous kielbasa backed onto the street. Inside a map had pins … Continue reading

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Eleanor St. Steps

Built in 1934, these 87 steps ascend to Mission St. past a series of yards and houses reachable only by this public throughway. Here, moving day proves who your true friends are. The area is lush with vegetation that shrouds … Continue reading

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