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Fort Hill Steps

Turn left and ascend 49 steps to Arlington Ballfield & Spray Park. Give yourself a pat on the back! You’ve reached the highest point on this route.

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Fernleaf St.

Take left and climb Fernleaf. On the right at Eccles St. is the former Engine House #22 which was established in 1894. From its roof tower, the view covered several surrounding neighborhoods and provided an ideal lookout for smoke and … Continue reading

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* Brashear Association & Kaufmann Neighborhood House

The Brashear Association was founded in 1917 to honor the renowned, self-taught scientist John A. Brashear and celebrate his humanitarianism. The Henry Kaufmann Neighborhood House was constructed in 1965 as an outreach site. Brashear Association supports and enriches families in … Continue reading

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Salisbury St.

Turn right and continue past Brashear Association & Kaufmann Neighborhood House to Fernleaf St.

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* Arlington Recreation Center Mural

The South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association is currently working with a local artist to add a mural to the East-facing wall along the trail. The mural will provide a more inviting entrance to South Side Park from the hilltop neighborhoods … Continue reading

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Salisbury Connector Trail

From the overlook, follow the paved trail a short distance to the sign post for the Salisbury Connector trail. Turn left and walk dirt trail. About 40 feet in is a second sign post. To its left are 26 steps. … Continue reading

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* Sterling Connector Trail

The trail was designed and built in collaboration with the Student Conservation Association. Funded by a 2015 Birmingham Foundation grant, the trail connects the eastern and western halves of South Side Park in this area known as Jurassic Valley. Landforce … Continue reading

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Sterling Connector Trailhead

Turn left to join the trail. Continue along top rim of trail to a paved lane with commanding view of the park. Efforts over the last few years have cleared invasive vines and weeds and planted trees and flower beds.

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Sterling St. Steps

Make right. Built in 1951, the steps connect to Patterson St. above and Mission St. below. Descend 31 steps to sign marking Sterling Connector Trailhead.

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Berg St. Steps

Descend these 43 wooden steps constructed in 1997. They drop you onto Sterling St. steps.

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